Why Does Rubbing Eyes Feel Good – How to Avoid Rubbing Eyes

9. Why Does Rubbing Eyes Feel Good1
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By stimulating the lacrimal glands, rubbing our eyes relieves the fatigue that leads to dryness. First of all, reflex tearing caused by rubbing lubricates the ocular surface and can ease pain and itching from dry eyes. Second, pressure applied to the eyeball stimulates the vagus nerve, which in turn causes the heart rate to slow down, relieving stress and bringing about a sense of calm.

When Do We Rub Our Eyes ?

Rubbing one’s eyes can occur for a variety of reasons and occasions. Ocular discomfort, irritability, fatigue, and itching are among the causes of eye rubbing. These symptoms are commonly associated with the following conditions :

Allergy / Atopic Conjunctivitis

Allergens in the environment or food cause allergic or atopic conjunctivitis to develop. It might be brought on by unidentified triggers or made worse by seasonal weather variations.

Rubbling sets off a never-ending cycle of “itch, rub, itch,” which can be very intense. Histamine is released when you rub, which in turn makes you itchy, red, and want to rub more.

People who sleep on their stomachs or who “pillow hug”—burying their eyes in the pillow—are frequently exposed to allergens in the mattress, pillow, or linen throughout the course of the night, leading to allergic conjunctivitis and the need to rub their eyes excessively when they awaken.

Exposure to Irritants

Cosmetics, personal care items, dust, chlorine in swimming pool water, airborne dust particles, and outdated eye drops are some common irritants.

When you rub your eyes, bacteria, fungi, viruses, and allergens can enter the eye.

Additionally, we observe that patients rub their eyes after using the pool or while taking a shower because chlorine or limestone can irritate the eyes.

Dry Eye

Eye rubbing can trigger reflex tearing, which temporarily soothes the ocular surface, and dry eye, which causes discomfort, irritation, visual fatigue, and itching. In contrast to some of the other causes of itchy eyes, dry eye is a chronic condition that requires treatment. Keratitis, which makes you feel like something is foreign and wants to rub, can develop in severe cases. Rub your eyes to lubricate them with tears to ease dryness.


As a result of abnormal oil gland (meibomian gland) activity, blepharitis is characterized by inflammation of the eyelid margin. When you have blepharitis, your eyelids and ocular surface are itchy, red, teary, swollen, and dry, which makes you want to rub your eyes immediately.

Digital Eye Strain

Since we spend so much time using computers, smartphones, and tablets in this day and age, excessive use of these devices can lead to eye fatigue, headaches, and difficulty focusing, which could eventually impair our vision. By causing reflex tearing that hydrates the eyes, eye rubbing or compression are frequently used to relieve visual fatigue. By activating the vagal reflex, which slows the heart, it also aids in stress relief.

9. Why Does Rubbing Eyes Feel Good2

Contact Lens Use

Long-term contact lens wear can cause giant papillary conjunctivitis (GPC), an allergic condition that causes extremely itchy eyes, as well as discomfort and irritation. At the end of the day, right after taking out the contact lenses, the urge to rub is frequently at its peak.

Rubbing your eyes while wearing a rigid gas permeable (RGP) contact lens is dangerous because it can cause corneal scarring and thinning when the hard lens rubs against the cornea’s delicate surface.

Is It Safe to Rub My Eyes?

Even though rubbing your eyes can be very satisfying, you shouldn’t do it frequently. Essilor News claims that rubbing your eyes with dirty hands can spread a variety of bacteria and put you at risk for infections like pink eye. Abrasions from minor irritants or even retinal detachment can result from applying too much pressure to the cornea. A scary-sounding condition called keratoconus, which can lead to vision distortion, is allegedly even brought on by persistent eye rubbing, according to some doctors.

If you frequently experience dryness and fatigue in your eyes, you might want to speak with your doctor to make sure that this isn’t a sign of something more serious. Your eyes may feel drier than normal due to allergies, hormonal changes, antihistamines, and environmental factors. Eye drops or fake tears can help in the interim; just remember to wash your hands first before touching your eyes.

What to Do Instead of Rubbing Your Eyes

  • Tear up. “Artificial tears are probably the simplest thing to do,” says Choose any formulation you like, from liquid to gel to ointment, Dr. Meghpara, but avoid buying anything that claims to get the red out because those frequently end up being more irritating. It’s worth seeing a doctor if your eyes are so dry that you need to use artificial tears more than twice per day to determine whether you have dry eye, which is treatable.
  • Use warm compresses over your eyes. For revitalized eyes, try using a warm washcloth or mask. It’s not like you’ll use this in the middle of the day, but it might help you stop rubbing your eyes at night.
  • If you have allergies, take medication for them. A vicious cycle can begin if you rub your itchy, seasonal allergy-related eyes. Your inner eyelids may develop bumps from allergies, and rubbing them aggravates the irritation. Like scratching a dry patch of skin, it initially feels good but ultimately just aggravates the irritation. The rubbing issue should go away once the allergies are treated.


Everyone is aware that rubbing your eyes is a common response to conditions like fatigue and dry eye, but doing so will only provide very brief relief. In addition to keeping up with allergy medication if you frequently experience pollen-related issues, doctors advise taking a break from stress rather than rubbing your eyes to relieve itching. Of course, ongoing vision issues require a doctor of optometry’s assessment.


Why Does Rubbing Itching Eyes Make It Worse

There is a temptation to rub your itchy eyes. However, rubbing causes the release of histamines, which worsens the itching and encourages more vigorous rubbing.

What Happens When You Rub Your Eyes Too Much

The cornea develops microscopic scratches from repeated eye rubbing over time, and these little dings add up to serious harm. A scratched cornea may initially cause eye-watering, redness, and light sensitivity. The cornea may become infected or produce scar tissue if the damage worsens.

Why Does Rubbing Your Eyes Make Them Red

Your appearance may suffer if you rub your eyes excessively. Bloodshot eyes, dark circles, and wrinkles around the eyes can result from it breaking tiny blood vessels.

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