How Long Does an Eye Exam Take – Depend on the Test Type

4. How Long Does an Eye Exam Take1
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An in-depth eye exam typically lasts between 20 and 60 minutes. The length of your visit to an optometrist’s office may depend on a few different factors. When scheduling an appointment for your eyes, take these things into account.

What Determines How Long An Eye Exam Takes?

Your eye exam may take more or less time depending on:

  • Whether you need contacts in addition to glasses
  • Whether the optometrist dilates your pupils
  • Any symptoms you’re experiencing
  • Any previously diagnosed eye disorders or diseases
  • Whether it’s your first visit to the office
  • Your age
  • Your and your family’s medical history

One thing is when you drop by for a routine eye exam with a familiar optometrist. Then, your exam might go for a brief 30 minutes or less. However, if you’re a new patient with a variety of symptoms, if you require a contact lens fitting, or if you need to have your pupils dilated, your appointment may go over 30 minutes.

Would you like to shorten the duration of your visit? When you book an eye exam with us, we’ll email you an intake form—this will save you around 10 minutes because you can complete your “paperwork” ahead of time online.

What Happens During An Eye Exam?

A series of tests are performed during eye exams to evaluate both your vision and your overall ocular health. Some components you may experience include:

  • A visual acuity test (you’ll probably read an eye chart with progressively smaller rows of letters)
  • A peripheral vision test (you’ll be asked to spot changes or movement in your peripheral vision)
  • A refraction exam (you’ll look through various lenses to determine the prescription for your corrective lenses)
  • Binocular testing (the optometrist will assess how your eyes move in case of abnormalities)
  • A slit-lamp exam (the optometrist will use a slit-lamp microscope to assess certain internal and external eye structures)
  • Eye pressure measurement (the optometrist will use tonometry to measure your intraocular pressure)
  • A dilation exam (the optometrist will examine the back of your eye to assess your retinal health)
  • A color vision test (you’ll be shown images that test for color blindness)

Read What to Expect at an Eye Exam for more information on the aforementioned elements.

How Long Does An Eye Exam With Dilation Take?

It may take an hour or longer for the optometrist to dilate your pupils during an eye exam. This is due to the fact that it could take up to 30 minutes for eye drops to fully work (or even longer if you’re taking certain eye medications).

Your eyes will be dilated so that the optometrist can see through your pupils to check your retina and optic nerve, among other internal eye structures.

Your pupils may not need to be dilated for every eye exam; this will depend on your medical history, the last time they were dilated, the strength of your prescription, and other factors. Aside from the cost of an eye exam, some eyecare facilities now have sophisticated equipment that can take pictures of the back of the eye without first dilation your pupils. Talk to your doctor about the best course of action for you and your retinas.

How Long Will My Pupils Stay Dilated?

It varies from patient to patient, but your pupils may remain dilated for up to six hours following an eye exam. It’s crucial to prepare ahead of time by packing sunglasses for the appointment and arranging transportation home afterward. As the effects of the drops wear off, close-up work might not be possible because you will be sensitive to bright light and glare, especially from screens. It’s best to stay away from reflective surfaces and give your eyes as much rest as you can after your exam.

How Often Should I Have An Eye Exam?

Your eye doctor will likely advise that you undergo an annual eye exam if you wear glasses or contact lenses or if you are over 40. This makes it possible to keep track of your eyes’ health and condition while also closely monitoring your vision to make sure it isn’t changing. This is crucial as we age because we are more vulnerable to eye diseases like glaucoma, macular degeneration, and cataracts. Early detection of eye conditions allows for prompt treatment and the long-term preservation of your vision. As their vision can change quickly as they grow, children should also have yearly eye exams.

Is a Contact Lens Exam Different from An Eye Exam?

Yes, a contact lens examination includes a fitting during which the physician takes additional measurements and evaluates the tear film, visual correction, comfort, and fit of a particular contact lens. It can be done concurrently with a thorough eye exam, but you should let your optometrist know in advance that you’re interested in wearing contacts.

If this is your first time using contacts, training on how to put them in and take them out is also part of the process. All of these steps make sure that your contacts are the ideal size, are snugly on your eyes, and provide the best vision possible.

Plan for more time during your appointment and possibly another one later to check on how you’re doing with your contacts if you need a contact lens exam.

4. How Long Does an Eye Exam Take2

Will I Have to Get My Eyes Dilated?

Most thorough eye exams include pupil dilation as a standard procedure. It’s crucial because it enables your eye doctor to view the internal and external structures of your eyes through them. As long as special drops are used, eye dilation won’t hurt, but you’ll notice that your eyes will be more sensitive to light for a while afterward. You might also experience some temporary blurriness in your vision, but you should be able to drive yourself home.

What Happens If I Need Glasses Or Contact Lenses?

Your vision will need to be corrected with prescription lenses if you have a refractive eye defect. However, you will have a choice, most people start out wearing glasses. Your eye doctor will be able to tell you which option would be best for you and discuss the different choices that are contained within each. Prescription eyeglass lenses, for instance, come in a variety of styles and with a variety of coatings. If your vision improves, you might eventually be able to get laser vision correction.

How Long Does It Take to Get Prescription Glasses After An Eye Exam?

After your eye exam, you should anticipate waiting 7–10 business days to receive new prescription glasses, though shorter wait times are possible (especially with expedited shipping). And don’t forget that you can order glasses from any optical retailer (online or in person) using your prescription, which you will receive following your eye exam.

Some offices may claim that you can leave with new glasses the same day as your examination, but this can lead to hurried decisions and a constrained selection of frame options. We prefer letting customers browse a large selection of glasses online or in-store, try them on virtually or at home, and have them shipped out quickly.

How Long Does It Take to Get Contacts After An Eye Exam?

Online or in-person orders for contact lenses from an optometrist typically take a week or less to arrive (or less with expedited shipping). However, you can start wearing trial lenses right away if your optometrist gives them to you after your appointment. Whether they wear our own brand, Scout, or another one, most patients at Warby Parker locations leave their appointments with a finalized contact lens prescription or trial lenses.

Set Some Time Aside for Your Eyes

How long are eye exams then? Set aside an hour for the actual exam while keeping in mind that you may need more time to relax while your pupils are dilated.

The length of time you spend at the eye doctor may vary, but the general response to this query should never change: Your appointment should last as long as is required to ensure the wellbeing of your eyes and vision.

Summary: How Long Does An Eye Exam Last?

To give your optometrist the best view of your eye and vision health, comprehensive eye exams and contact lens exams necessitate a number of tests. How long are eye exams? A standard eye examination takes an hour to an hour and a half.

Since additional steps and tests are required during the eye examination process, such as corneal topography, contact lens exams can take longer. Knowing what to anticipate at the appointment can help you be ready in either case.


How Long Do Eye Tests Take at Specsavers?

A young, healthy person with no obvious problems should take about 20 minutes, but it depends on the patient. Someone who is older or who has health issues like diabetes, glaucoma, high blood pressure, or other conditions may require much more time.

How Long Does An Eye Exam Take at Costco

How lengthy is an eye examination? Most eye exams take between 20-30 minutes. It’s easy to fit an eye exam into your hectic day because of this.

How Long Does a Contact Lens Exam Take

It will take an additional 10 minutes when combined with your examination, though it could take longer for first-time users or those getting fitted for multifocal contacts. A comprehensive eye exam takes 45 minutes to one hour.

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