Can Dry Eye Cause Blurred Vision?

Dry Eye
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A medical condition known as dry eye occurs when there is insufficient tear production. A few minor symptoms are irritability and light sensitivity. If a person does not receive treatment, dry eye can result in more severe complications.

Dry eye can, in severe cases, lead to infection or damage to the eyes. If these issues arise, they may result in partial vision loss or blindness.

So, can dry eye cause blurred vision? For more information on how dry eyes affect vision, keep reading.

Blurry Vision: What Is It?

The phrase “blurry vision” pretty much sums it up. Simply put, it’s the inability to see objects clearly with either one eye or both. You could only see clearly at a specific distance, or you could see clearly at all distances.

What might be causing your symptoms will determine how blurry your vision is. Blurriness at all distances is a possibility if you have dry eyes.

Symptoms & Causes Of Blurry Vision

Many different eye conditions can cause blurry vision as a symptom. Even though it is typically a benign symptom, it can be a sign of something more serious. You should visit your eye doctor right away if symptoms of blurred vision appear suddenly.

Symptoms of blurred vision include:

  • No apparent sharpness or clarity in the objects.
  • The vision is hazy in one or both eyes.
  • Everything looks hazy.
  • Only some of the vision seems to be fuzzy.
  • Blurred vision is known to be caused by:
  • Myopia and hyperopia.
  • Astigmatism.
  • Presbyopia.
  • Dry eye.
  • Cataracts.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Damage to the cornea.
  • Macular deterioration (AMD) brought on by aging
  • Eye infection.
  • Eye injury.
  • Diabetic retinopathy.

The Difference Between Blurry Vision & Dry Eye

Even though blurry vision is a typical sign of dry eyes, it may also be a sign of more serious problems with eye health.

Other issues that can cause blurry vision can include:

  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Diabetic eye disease
  • Laser eye surgery complications

We advise scheduling an appointment with our staff if you have blurry vision, even if you are not experiencing dry eyes, so we can investigate the potential causes of your problems.

Does Blurred Vision Result From Dry Eye?

Frequently experiencing dry eyes can have a variety of negative effects on your vision. Your eyes will become overly watery and dry out if your tears aren’t oily enough.

Vision blurring can result from both dry eyes and too much crying. Because your eyelids tend to stick to your eyeballs when your eyes feel extremely dry, even blinking may be challenging.

Tears cannot spread across your eyes if you don’t blink. There might be a sensation of pulling from your eyelids. It can be more challenging to see when you can’t blink as frequently as you normally would.

If this is the case, you’re probably crying too much. It can also be challenging to see if you have too many tears flow into and out of your eyes.

Your vision may become hazy due to all the extra fluid. This is comparable to the sensation you get when opening your eyes underwater. It becomes difficult to distinguish any objects because everything is blurry. You risk developing vision issues if you don’t treat your dry eyes and make sure enough tears are being produced to stay in your eyes.

Dry eyes can harm your eyes and permanently reduce your vision if the issue is left untreated. The best course of action is to see your eye doctor right away if you have chronic dry eyes. By doing this, you might be able to avoid long-term harm and improve your vision. 

Is Blindness a Result Of Dry Eye?

When a person receives treatment, even mild to moderate cases of dry eye are not likely to result in an infection that will cause blindness or permanent damage.

The cornea, the transparent outer layer of the eye, may become damaged in more severe cases of dry eye. Vision loss may result from damage there.

Damage to the cornea can result in blindness and blurry or cloudy vision. The majority of the time in low- and middle-income countries, corneal damage is a major contributor to blindness worldwide.

Can Other Vision Problems Be Caused By Dry Eye?

From slight vision impairment to total blindness, dry eye can have a range of effects.

Blurred vision, increased tear production, and light sensitivity are among the signs of dry eye that are frequently present. These symptoms ought to disappear with treatment.

A dry eye disease that is more severe or left untreated can cause permanent vision loss, including blindness.

If someone has symptoms of dry eye, they should consult an eye doctor right away so they can get treated and reduce the chance of complications.

Treatment For Dry Eyes And Blurry Vision

Drifting vision and dry eyes can be treated in a number of ways. 

Eye drops

OTC eye drops, also known as artificial tears, are frequently used as the first line of treatment for chronic dry eye.

Your doctor might suggest a prescription-strength eye drop if over-the-counter remedies are unsuccessful in treating your symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes

Reduce screen time, stop smoking, stop vaping, and drink more water to keep your eyes hydrated.

Nutritional Supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin A both help to promote overall eye health by reducing inflammation.

Home Remedies

Some of the home remedies you can use to try to manage dry eye symptoms include applying a warm compress and resting your eyes for extended periods of time.

How To Prevent Dry Eyes And Blurry Vision

Preventing complications brought on by dry eye and blurry vision can be greatly helped by practicing good eye health self-care.

In order to prevent symptoms caused by dry eyes, incorporate the following into your daily routine:

  • Blink regularly.
  • Apply the 20-20-20 rule. A 20-minute break from your screen is recommended when using a computer or other screen. Spend 20 seconds focusing on something that is 20 feet away.
  • Using a humidifier will increase the humidity in the air at home and at work.
  • To shield your eyes from wind and sun, put on some sunglasses.
  • To increase eye lubrication, take nutritional supplements containing essential fatty acids.
  • Reduce screen time and abstain from excessive screen use.
  • Take in a lot of water.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Without the use of medications or surgical procedures, the aforementioned lifestyle modifications can significantly help prevent and treat dry eye and blurry vision symptoms.


Chronic dry eye symptoms include dry eyes and blurry vision. There are many options for lifestyle modifications and DIY remedies that can help manage your symptoms if you have chronic dry eye.

To discuss treatment options and potential underlying conditions, schedule a consultation with your eye doctor if you’re bothered by dry eye and blurry vision.

Read more about: Why Are My Eyes Dry When I Wake Up?

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